October 11, 2024
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Category: Education

A Deep Dive into Non-Traditional Evaluation Metrics in Education

A Deep Dive into Non-Traditional Evaluation Metrics in Education

As education continues evolving in the digital era, conventional student evaluation methods may fail to fully demonstrate competencies and capabilities. Today we will explore innovative non-traditional assessment techniques that provide a more well-rounded perspective of…

Guide to Maximize Classroom Time by Creating a Positive Environment

Guide to Maximize Classroom Time by Creating a Positive Environment

Education transcends the mere transfer of knowledge; it hinges on the creation of an environment that nurtures positive engagement, collaboration, and a genuine passion for learning. Teachers, as architects of this environment, wield the power…

Support for School Leavers in Northern Ireland: A Resource Kit for Educators

Support for School Leavers in Northern Ireland: A Resource Kit for Educators

Thousands of students graduate and continue their education every year. Moving often ushers in not just a change of scenery but also a new set of liberties, temptations, and challenges. St Paul’s High School GCSE…

When it comes to ending violence and sexual harassment, what part can schools play?

When it comes to ending violence and sexual harassment, what part can schools play?

When will it be safe for a woman to walk home alone at night without being assaulted or worse by a man? When will it be that women no longer have to worry about domestic…